Oh, the Places We'll Vote...

Blogging by America's next generation of active citizens.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Review Term of the Day


WHAT IT MEANS: unlimited speech-making in the Senate, designed to stall the legislative process and halt action on a particular bill. Otherwise known as "dropping the f-buster." Strom Thurmond holds the record for the longest filibuster, at 24 hours and 18 minutes.

Monday, April 24, 2006

Review Term of the Day


WHAT IT MEANS: The assistant to the president who directs the White House Office and advises the president. Remember that Andrew Card just resigned and Josh Bolten is his replacement. This doesn't require advice and consent of the Senate, by the way. Think of the movie "The American President" - it's like hiring someone to be your best friend. This person manages all of the people who work in the White House and is with the president almost all the time.

Friday, April 21, 2006


Please let me know if you are interested in an AP Gov't t-shirt to wear on the day of the exam. I will be getting the price quote after school on Monday and will try to keep things as inexpensive as possible. So let me know if you want one!!!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

More Review Miscellaneous

Thanks to all who attended my review session on Tuesday AM. If you weren't able to attend & want the packet that I distributed at the session, stop by the social studies office before school, 4th pd, or 8th pd.

Also, there is a review session Tuesday from 3:30-4:30 PM in 7032 on the Judiciary. I highly encourage you to attend!

Here is today's review term:

BUZZWORD: AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)

WHAT IT MEANS: non-profit special interest group concerned with the welfare and needs of older Americans (aged 50 or older). According to Fortune Magazine, this is the most powerful special interest group in the US. They try to work with both Republicans and Democrats to achieve their goals. Of particular interest is ensuring adequate prescription drug coverage for seniors.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Review Term of the Day


What it means: regulation passed by Congress or issued by regulatory agencies to the states without federal funds to support them. Example would include the unfunded mandate - sponsored as pork by WV Senator Robert Byrd - for public schools to be required to celebrate Constitution Day. There was no federal money provided, yet it was still required. That's why some of you have pocket constitutions, but the school paid for them.

Yesterday's Review Term

Sorry for slacking yesterday - the senioritis must be wearing off onto me.

BUZZWORDS OF THE DAY: de facto segregation AND de jure segregation

WHAT THEY MEAN: de facto segregation is when there is segregation of schools and other public facilities through circumstance with no law supporting it. An example would be neighborhoods of predominately one minority group, all feeding into the same public school. Because of where people choose to live (or can afford to live), the school ends up as segregated.
de jure segregation is segregation by law or policy. This was made illegal by the Supreme Court in the 1954 Brown v. the Board of Education decision.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Review Term of the Day....

.... and some secret information for those who faithfully check the blog.... the test will have to be shifted one more day - we will test on the judiciary on Tuesday the 18th. The reason? Mark Kirk will be at SHS on Monday, talking about China and Iran! More details will be given in class. We don't want to miss out on this great opportunity. Don't worry - we will have enough time for Congress - we'll make it work.

Anyway, back to review:

Buzzword of the day: symbolic speech

What it means: forms of free speech guaranteed under the First Amendment to the Constitution, such as wearing a black armband to protest a governmental action or burning an American flag in protest for political reasons. Court case examples include Tinker v. Des Moines (armbands) and Texas v. Johnson (flag).

Monday, April 10, 2006

The blog shifts to review...

Due to the upcoming AP test, we shift our focus to review. Stay tuned for a different buzzword daily, followed for your opportunity for discussion right here on the blog.

*Also - a BIG REMINDER for my review session on Tuesday April 18th, from 7-8 AM. The topic is the Presidency and Congress. You know you want to be there!*

All right, onto the vocab....


What it means: Established in Schenck v United States (1919), it gives the government the right to censor free speech if, during national emergencies such as war, it can be proven that the result of the speech will significantly hurt national security. Has been applied to many other situations, such as yelling "Fire!" in a crowded theatre or "Bomb!" on an airplane (think of "Meet the Parents").

Questions, comments, discussion?

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Reminder - Review Session!

Reminder that Ms. Lal is hosting a review session tomorrow (MONDAY) morning from 7-8 AM in 7032-34 on POLITICAL PARTIES & ELECTIONS. This will be VERY HELPFUL for you to attend!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Tom DeLay Calls it Quits

From the Washington Post:
"Delay Won't Seek Reelection in November
Texas Republican and former House majority leader announces his retirement rather than face a fight that appears increasingly unwinnable. More details to come soon."
Wow..... big news in DC! Thoughts?